Our Infrastructure-Harikrushna Machines Pvt. Ltd.

GST: 24AAFCH7738A1ZT | Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Decorated with a series of advanced equipment, our Infrastructure plays a major role in making us stand out in the industry. Our team of professionals utilizes our workspace to derive the productivity, required to fulfill industrial requirements. With a sophisticated set of arrangements and a properly departmentalized work area, we make sure our Semi-Automatic Timer Filling Machine, Complete Injectable Vial Liquid Packaging Line, Visual Inspection Conveyor, Automatic Carton/Pouch Labeler Machine, etc., passes through all the security checks.

We specialize in ensuring sterile conditions for processing liquids and powders, catering specifically to vials, bottles, syringes, cartridges, IV bags, etc. Adding different types of quality testing to our Visual inspection Conveyor, Automatic Carton/Pouch Labeler Machine, Automatic Vial Cap Sealing Machine, Complete Liquid Detergent & Hand Wash Packaging Machine, etc., we make them offer productive results in different conditions, and thus, satisfy our customers.

Infrastructural Advancement we enjoy includes:

  • Vast Storage Space
  • Departmentalized Workspace
  • Security Arrangement
  • Climate Adaptive Storage
  • Quality Control, & More
Legal Status: Private Limited Company
Nature of Business
Year of Establishment
Age of Company
24 Years
Man Power
101 - 200
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